Sunday, March 15, 2009

So many reason to leave him.. so many differences between us..

Huh.. lagi" gw harus berkeluh kesah di blogs tempat muntahan segala unek" gw ttg dia. Setelah curhat panjang lebar ma sohib ku & nyokap nya gw aga sedikit lega.. gw tdk bs menjalani hubungan yg ringkih gini.. bentar" ribut.. bentar baik lagi.. capeeeeeeeeeeeeek bgt, n malu bgt gw ma keluarganya.. terlihat jelas disini bahwa gw n dia sangat" tdk dewasa.. Dg terpaksa gw menceritakan segala unek" & kekecewaan gw sm dia ke nyokap nya.. karna gw ga mau ada kesalah pahaman lg antara gw ma nyokapnya.. sebenernya ini bukan gw bgt, yg punya masalah dikit langsung ngadu, cuma ya dr pd nantinya nyokapnya bingung ma tingkah gw.. & buat gw ini saat yg tepat utk nunjukin kalo disini gw yg selalu dikecewain ma dia.. & bkn tanpa alasan kalo gw selalu ngambek, marah, kesel ma dia..
Padahal gw lg butuh support dr dia disaat gw lg frustasi sm masa depan karir gw.. eh ga tau kenapa dia kambuh lg penyakitnya yaitu nyuekin gw..
Yg gw sesalin kenapa sifat cuek, tempramen, angkuh, sombong, tinggi hati, banyak gaya depan org nya itu ga ilang" ya.. pdhal itu sifat yg rendahan bgt buat gw.. tp kenapa jg gw mesti mencintai org dg perilaku mengkhawatirkan seperti ini. Gw bahkan ga yakin akan mencintai dia seumur hidup gw kalo dia msh meliara sifat" kaya gt.. So, gw harus bnr" survive dlm menjalani hidup gw, lupain kalo dia nantinya mampu nafkahin gw lahir batin.. sementara utk memenuhi kebutuhan nya sendiri aja kadang msh ngandelin ortunya.. Ya Allah.. aku berharap bgt sifat" tsb bs hilang dr dia.. & semoga kesadaran utk bertanggung jawab sm diri & org yg dia sayang bisa segera tumbuh dr dirinya..

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sex in the city the movies

Menurut gw film ini punya tempat tersendiri buat gw sbg the best movie's in 2008 kemaren. Couse this movie very touchy, about friendship 4 girls in the big town. Ampir semua dr film itu gw suka, ya ceritanya, dressnya, settingannya, pokoknya semuanya...

Waiting some happiness

There's nothing to say when someone you love leave you in not right time... My wishes, my dreams, gone once he decide to leave me without any reason.
I know it's all about dignity, pride & prejudice. So we don't want to hurt each other again. After many weeks we not connected, whether he feels like I'm feel now? maybe no, cause he not try to fixed our condition. He just stay away from me. Many think comes to my head, especially my negative thinking... maybe he really tired with me, with my complain about his attention to me which is more and more decrease...
In my deepest heart I still hope that he just need to take a break to us to correction our attitude.
Should we pass this condition? if is our fate, what can I say, because I can't blame my destiny. It's very hard to realize, this is the answer my pray to Allah S.W.T during this time. Ya Allah... Hopefully I can pass this moment with grateful...