Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm truly dissappointed

I wondered, why after all he did I still love him. I realize love not only base for keep our relation. After almost 3 years I give him chances, & he have tried to fulfill my needs, but why I'm still not surely he'll be my future.. Hey, I'm sure he not try so hard to make me satisfy & he wouldn't sacrifice anything for me..
Now I just written in my small room.. to cheers up my day,
This day it's a day i wait since last week he didn't come.. & apparently nothing happen special come out.. maybe this night i'll buy some game cd's.. only for figure out my distress from my mind..
huh.. (**sigh)
Ok I have configured your puzzle, & I finally get your message. Eventually I know what you means.. This 'is what you want & you waiting I do this from a long time ago..
I'm out. i'll be free & so do you..